Hi, I’m Aaron. I grew up in Florida and recently relocated to Ithaca, New York. Currently, I work with the NYS ITS Geospatial Services team. Prior, I worked eight years with Florida Department of Environmental Protection, where I helped to provide enterprise GIS support to its many program areas. I try to push myself creatively on every project I do. Sometimes that’s experimenting with new styles or layouts, other times its learning a new tool or skill. That goes for both my professional and personal mapping projects, the latter which can be found on this website.

I’ve been working professionally in Geographic Information Systems since 2016 and playing with maps since middle school—starting with smudgy, penciled expansions of Middle Earth. When not making maps, you can find me pursuing other creative outlets like woodworking, printmaking, photography, and stained glass. Kayaks are my transportation of choice, and I have a dog named Wedge, who is the best co-pup in the galaxy.


  • NYS ITS Geospatial Services (2024—)
  • FL DEP Enterprise GIS and FL Geographic Information Office (2016—2024)
  • GTM National Estuarine Research Reserve (2016)
  • Unmappy things, like sweeping tennis courts and installing fire alarms (—2016)


  • B.S. Environmental Science / English Minor—Florida State University (2013)
  • Graduate Certificate in GIS—University of West Florida (2015)



  • Cartography and data visualization
  • GIS analysis and data management
  • Python (spatial data processing and workflow automation, sometimes crunching fantasy football statistics)
  • Assorted software
    • ArcGIS suite (Pro / Online / Field apps / Portal, etc.)
    • Adobe Suite (Illustrator / InDesign / Photoshop / Lightroom)
    • QGIS, Blender, Meshroom
    • Procreate, Feather 3D
  • An eye (or two) for detail
  • Measuring twice and cutting once
  • Setting off fire alarms, constructively


  • 2019 ESRI SEUC — Take Action Today: Hurricane Response & ArcGIS Online
  • 2022 NACIS Conference — Design as Defined by Atlas of Design Contributors
  • 2023 ESRI SEUC & SHRUGinar — Animating Harmful Algal Blooms Using Multidimensional Rasters

Aaron Koelker